Vital Joint and Cranial Release aims to gently ease aches and pains in the body by finding and analysing exactly where restrictions in the spinal and cranial system are occurring and why this may be. This is done using a very skilled and sensitive sense of touch and taking into account the ways in which the whole body compensates. This means that the root of the problem may be in a different place from where the symptoms are felt so focusing treatment only in the problematic area may not necessarily resolve the problem.

The modern world places many stresses upon the human body, a world to which, in many ways, we are maladapted. We have the stress of inactivity; human beings are greatly less active than other primates. A client asked me recently ‘Why has no-one told me that I can’t be right unless I move?’ Then there is the stress of inadequate nutrition. Today we have access to the most wonderful healing food if we are willing to put in time and effort for discernment. However, the food industry is cleverly playing on our taste buds to manipulate us into buying foods with many chemicals added. These foods are cheap to produce, have long shelf lives and are accessible everywhere. The effect of these foods on the body is that of a toxin.

The Treatment Room

Feet in the modern age are also suffering and causing resulting pain in other areas of the body. Walking on hard surfaces such as concrete and tarmac causes the foot ligaments to stretch, resulting in dropped arches and an exaggeration of the spine’s S shaped curve. Conversely, walking barefoot in nature can have many healing effects.

Vital Joint and Cranial Release seeks to identify these stresses and provide gentle relieving treatment, as well as advice on lifestyle, posture, and nutrition. Often treatment can be the bridge towards being mobile again with a resultant state of greater health and motivation.

Along with bodies that are flexible and free, we also need clean air, clean water and fresh unprocessed organic food to give us vibrant energy.

Another stress is that placed on babies’ skulls by lots of time lying on their backs. Other primates carry their young on their backs allowing the cranial system (skull) to develop fully without the compression that occurs when babies lie on their backs for many hours at a time. I believe this has a repercussion on the function of the body. Having spent many years releasing stress from the back of babies’ heads, I have seen miraculous relief from colic and other symptoms. However, unfortunately so far we have minimal evidence for this.

Feeling well in the modern world takes effort and commitment but the payoff is huge. It is my hope that as people realise how intimately our health is related to that of our planet, its protection will become non-negotiable and our health, as a whole will improve.


An in depth initial consultation
A beautiful and relaxing treatment room in the country 15 minutes south of Oxford
Up to one and a half hours

Highly skilled sense of touch
Goal of finding the root cause of your problem
Help and advice on enhancement of your health and well being
Holistic consultation
SOT (sacro-occipital technique)
Elements from Kalish Method and GAPS (gut and psychology) included
Biomechanical evaluation of the whole body including Cranial system (skull)
Foot assessment for pronation (dropped arches) and custom made orthotics
Focus on what happened to you not what’s wrong with you and work on solutions


Treatment usually included in first session
Very gentle and relaxing

Gentle release of joint restrictions
Muscle and fascial work where needed
Extremely light cranial treatment
Foot mobilisation where needed
Customised and individual
Education and advice on nutrition, stress and lifestyle
How to help / heal yourself and take back your power
No forceful cracking
No neck cracking


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